Well, not the songs, since Fred Archer was 'more popular' in our house than Elvis. I say 'more popular'. I mean 'About as popular as foot-and-mouth'. So that would be something from the sixties that people didn't talk about much, apart from when they'd point at the far end of the field known as 'The Deerpark'[1] which was up the hill from the
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One of the happy fun things about being post-migraine (as opposed to the shit ones like everything being two-dimensional and rather like award-winning animation from Czechoslovakia. Obviously the counter-example being 'The Mole', which is completely splendid ditto. I suspect the rot set in in this country when children's television became an excuse
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The not-traditional-at-all-but-works-for-me method of generating character names is to keep an eye on your spam folder. Thus should I ever need the name of a dodgy lawyer for a Noird-style tale, a Frank Bongani is in the frame
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